While resting between trekkings, just before starting the new one, we decided to go rafting on Zanskar river. We started from Chiling and swimmed down about 25km to raft bay near Nimu village which took us about 3 hours. This quite popular route was graded III+ white water and, from our experience, going through some rapids and currents was challenging…
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Leh isn’t boring – even after the season. In the beginning of September there is annual Ladakh Marathon going on (www.ladakhmaraton.com) – really popular race among locals – Run for Green and Clean Ladakh. Fortunately we were able to start in this year edition. In four-person team on 8th of September we managed to run 10 km, and all of that above 3600 m!
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This post will be translated in two weeks. Please use google translate till then.
We spent last week on the go. We arrived at Delhi, met rest of our team, left some deposit and went to Manali. We spent one day there (Manali is by far nicer place than Delhi), during which we arranged transport to Leh (the trip takes two days – with sleep stop in Sarchu). We had much luck, because the road was opened just the day before (monsoon rains are regularly destroying road to Rothang La – first of the few high passes you have to ride through during the trip).
At last we arrived in Leh. Last 48 hours we spent arranging all things connected with trekking. Tomorrow we’re heading out for 12 days, out of reach of the mobile and internet coverage.
The trip will be: Lamayuru – Chilling – Markha Valley – Hemis. Detailed description will be provided after the trekking.
For now, some practical info:
- do not believe anyone, if they will tell You in Delhi that the Manali-Leh road is closed. It’s better to call someone in Manali and ask him;
- the price for two-day minibus trip (operated by Yeti Travel) is 1500 INR per person, if You have your own tents and food, it can come as low as 1100 INR per person;
- sleep stop is in Sarchu, which is at 4400 m. You won’t get much sleep;
- most mobile phones won’t work in Kashmir (our Polish phones did not, Indian SIM cards bought in Delhi also didn’t). Working SIM card can be bought in Leh or Srinagar, but if You do not plan to stay for long, it’s not worth the hassle;
- In Manali and Leh You can buy gas cartridges (only the small, threaded ones, 400 INR per piece).
See You in Two weeks!
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It’s sure – we’re going for a trip – for longer. We plan to travel across Asia for about half a year (details in Asia Na Lajcie).
While preparing for this trip, we finally decided to create our website – regarding travel, photography and everything that interests us. It won’t be a serious travel blog – we don’t really know what will it be :). We will however try to post pictures, practical information and grab’n’go trip plans. We will do all this for one purpose: to make you go on your travel. Well, also to help you plan and organize it once you decide :).
At the moment there is not too much content, but we hope that over time we will describe some of our previous trips, for now we invite you to browse the Gallery, hope it will inspire you.
If you want to get the latest and most recent information from the road – we suggest adding our profile to your friends on foursquare (https://foursquare.com/user/62964375). Last checkin from foursquare is always visible in the page footer, if you add us to your friends you will have access to the checkin history. Besides that – write, comment, like, G+ – it motivates us to frequent updates :).
See You on the road!